Cam & Tom's Sailing Blog

Wed 6 Jun

Today started far too early with a massive rain shower that woke us up at 4 am. It was one of those torrential downpours that you only get in warmer climates, and the sound it makes as it hits the boat is – well – entertaining. Anyway, now I was awake I couldn’t go back to sleep.

We had my doctors appointment in the morning, so we ventured out equipped with with rain jackets and umbrellas. We were originally planning to leave for Mallorca today, but with the weather being what it is and still having a bunch of errands left on the ever growing todo list we decided to give it one more day. After the docs we went to get some keys for Camilla’s apartment in the UK cut. Turns out that the most ridiculously simple looking key on her key chain is actually the most secure – couldn’t get this key made anywhere in Spain we heard.

On the way back to the boat it started pouring down again, huge clouds and loud respect-demanding thunders confirming out decision to delay for another day. One more run to Mercadona, and we swore to ourselves that this was the last provisioning run. Well, lets see, we’ve been saying that for the past week or so. 😀

Back on the boat there were more boat jobs waiting for us. We secured the bow anchor in the locker with a dedicated line that holds it on the roller when we’re not using it, so that the chain can just sit there and act as a safety. We also wrestled the ketch (stern) anchor and the dingy anchor (plus accompanying lengths of chain of course) onto the boat and into the lockers. We sorted out the aft cabin and prepared food for the passage tomorrow! Looking at the forecast, it looks like we should be good to go around lunch time. No rain, and a bit of wind, backing as the days goes on, so it should be a straight forward 20-or-so-hour passage. While we were both quite nervous yesterday, today we’re both feeling content, happy and excited. We can’t wait to start our journey tomorrow!

Tom Döhler

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