Cam & Tom's Sailing Blog

Fri 27 Jul and Sat 28 Jul

On Friday we spent most of the day catching up on admin, preparing the newsletter and doing some savvy navvy work. Our crappy internet connection turned what should have taken a few hours into practically the whole day. ? In the evening we took the dinghy ashore and went to check out the castle. Unsure of which way to go (apart from up, obviously) we tagged along behind an unsuspecting couple who looked (luckily correctly) like they were heading in the same direction.

After navigating the what seemed like 100,000 steps to get there we were almost at the top, and wasn’t it worth the climb! The views were amazing and the hill itself was full of alleyways filled with small shops, bars and restaurants. We got a gelato and wandered around for an hour before returning back to the boat (in the pitch black).

After not getting much sleep due to the unbelievably loud music coming from one of the nearby hotels (oh man, I sound old!), we again missed doing a workout so instead went for a long swim. Dried off we had lunch, picked up anchor and set off for Stintino. By a strange (but awesome) coincidence two of our friends are staying nearby so we’re meeting up with them over the next few days. We considered driving but the area is beautiful so we were more than happy to swap an hour long bus trip for a 4 hour motor to go back and spend a few days anchored there. It also gave us the opportunity to clean the pre-filter for the water maker, which according to the instructions you’re to drag behind the boat whilst you’re sailing along. ?

We arrived at just gone 19:00 and anchored just outside the marina. The seabed is very weedy so the holding isn’t ideal but with zero wind we should be OK this evening. We had dinner and watched the blood moon rise, an incredible sight! I tried to capture it but this is as best as it gets.

Camilla Ransom

1 comment

  • So eine tolle Zeit und danke, daß ihr uns etwas daran teilhaben laßt☺Die Fotos sind spitze

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