Cam & Tom's Sailing Blog

Thu 19 Jul

When I went to bed last night for some reason I thought it’d be a great idea to set the alarm for 06:45 and do a couple of runs to fill up the water jugs. We’re moored up on the busy town quay and during the day lots of overheating tourists hover for water, and being paranoid I’m always conscious of the people who work on the tourist boats giving us disapproving looks and (rightly?) thinking we’re stealing free water. I woke when the alarm went off and before getting up checked the status of the solar charger. Weirdly I couldn’t connect to it (via Bluetooth from my phone) and without really thinking I woke Tom to ask what he thought the problem was. Poor guy!

By 07:15 I’d done 2 runs of water (a 60 satisfying litres), Tom was re-crimping and re-attaching cables and I’d started cleaning the boat. Cass was due to arrive at 17:00 so we wanted to make sure the boat was presentable. At 09:30 she dropped me a message saying she’d be with us around 13:00, so we were grateful we’d got up early to make a start. Here’s what she would have been faced with otherwise!

She arrived and once settled we went for a wander and a spot of lunch in the old town. Back on the boat Christopher turned up so we spent a few hours chatting to him. Later in the afternoon we did a provisioning run and marvelled at the shear quantity and variety of pasta – it took up two full isles! In the evening Cass found a wonderful prociutteria where we ate meat, cheese drank wine and chatted until the early hours. Felt like we were on vacation 🙂

Camilla Ransom

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