Cam & Tom's Sailing Blog

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Captain's Log

Two weeks in Ibiza

Greetings from Ibiza where the weather is glorious! Actually, it’s not. I think London and Leipzig have seen more sun in the last few weeks than we have in Spain! The latest downpour has just let up leaving behind a...

The long awaited season 3!

Its been about three years since the picture below was taken. We were looking sad in the photo because it was going to be another 6 months before Bini was supposed to go back in the water. Instead it turned out to be...

And then COVID happened

Can’t believe it’s been almost 2 years since we last posted an update here on our blog, and what an utterly bizarre and unpredictable 2 years it’s been. Let’s go back a bit. On the 14th October...

Wed 18 Sep – Checking out of Greece

Today was to be our last day in Greece so we had to go through all the formalities to officially check out of the EU. Facebook, despite it’ shortcomings is an invaluable tool when it comes to finding out how to do these...

A selection of our earlier adventures

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